A Blog Dedicated To The EMS Professionals Serving Greater Hartford

Here is a blog where you can comment and communicate with each other and NEMSA.  Check Back Frequently To See What Everyone Is Talking About!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's not about what you say, It's about what you do!

SEIU 1199 is great at talking. They tell you to vote a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way. They take large amounts of your hard earned money in dues to try to tell other people to vote a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way.

But beyond that, what does SEIU actually say? And what do they do? What is their reputation?

Do they understand EMS? Do they know what it feels like to run 11 back to back calls without a restroom or meal break, being perpetually behind on paperwork? Do they understand what 16 hours inside a vehicle does to the human body? Can they appreciate the desire to simultaneously run and protect your patient at the same time?

So if they don't understand, how do they represent you?

You see, at NEMSA it's not about what we say... it's about what we do.... Our reputation is based on it.

We have superior EMS contracts and the absolute best representation of EMS workers in the USA. It's because we are 100% EMS. So unlike SEIU, when we have influence in a community it's not based on how much of your dues money we have spent buying politicians. It's because we fight the good fight, understand EMS and can help others to understand EMS as well.

About a year ago, NEMSA members at AMR NE walked up to the strike line. It was terrifying for the members but they knew that their communities were behind them, that NEMSA was supporting them, and so they stood at the edge, ready to strike.

Communities cried out, influential community members got involved, politicians and Fire Unions got involved. Why? Because NEMSA did not try to buy them but instead worked WITH them. NEMSA had the support of US Senator Ted Kennedy who told AMR to get back to the bargaining table. The International Association of Fire Fighters worked hand in hand with NEMSA to provide communities alternatives should a strike be necessary...

The result? AMR's last offer of a 1% pay cut turned into a 14-18% pay increase and a strike was avoided.

The communities supported NEMSA members, who were active in those communities and part of those communities.

It's not about what you say... It's about what you do...

NEMSA simply gets it done!

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