A Blog Dedicated To The EMS Professionals Serving Greater Hartford

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why SEIU 1199 Wants To Keep It's "Ambulance Drivers"

Kind of shocking, it was recently revealed by political watchdog Center For Responsive Politics that SEIU is one of the top 10 organizations in the giving of political donations. SEIU has given $25,931,093.00 to political candidates.

That's right, 26 MILLION dollars of members hard earned dues money given away. SEIU claims that they have 1,900,000 members.

So doing the math, SEIU has given $13.65 per member to politicians and political parties.

SEIU desperately wants you to vote for them. Wonder why? You are a revenue source for them at a time when they are DESPERATELY in need of your hard earned money. They need to give it to politicians, because they are trying to buy influence.

How much influence has SEIU had in the 7 years they have been in Hartford? Has EMS Legislation been passed? Has there been Federal or State legislation sponsored by SEIU? Has SEIU even addressed EMS related issues beyond your bargaining unit?

SEIU is a fundraising machine for politicians... they want you to be an unwitting dupe who continues to let them take money from you to fund their political ambitions... ambitions that have NOTHING to do with EMS.

Vote NEMSA.... Don't Let SEIU Steal Any More Of Your Money For It's Political Games.

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