It's an unfortunate part of human behavior... when losing a campaign, the losing side becomes desperate and begins "throwing mud." Commonly seen in political campaigns, the mud throwing is designed so that some criticism, any criticism may "stick" to the wall. However not knowing what will "stick", 1199 simply is throwing everything at the wall...
Mud: NEMSA in Portland Oregon
An 18 page mailer was sent out by an individual who mysteriously gained access to the 1199 confidential mailing list about NEMSA in Oregon. Filled full of hyperbole and half-truths, it was designed to make you think NEMSA abandoned EMS workers in Oregon.
Truth: EMS workers in Portland/Vancouver wanted to be Teamsters. Delegates in Portland were claiming loyalty to NEMSA while at the same time actively signature gathering to get Teamster representation. When these delegates and workers had enough signatures, NEMSA simply did not contest the coming Teamster campaign and instead disclaimed interest in their bargaining unit.
Mud: Disclaiming is rare and a sign of weakness
Disclaiming is a legal process under the NLRB that is designed when a workforce and a union wish to part ways. Disclaiming is legal and happens more commonly than you may think. It is an administrative procedure that seldom makes the headlines.
Truth: SEIU disclaimed a bargaining unit in San Diego when NEMSA had gathered more than enough signatures to run a campaign against them. SEIU and NEMSA both have used the same administrative procedure along with many other unions.
Mud: NEMSA is structured so everyday people are forced to make decisions without training.
The structure of a union is important as it is one of the primary reasons for it's effectiveness. Unions with poor structure are generally not successful.
Truth: NEMSA is designed with a structure that EMPOWERS EMS workers. Paid staff and labor attorneys support trained shop stewards. Shop stewards also known as delegates and are the eyes and ears of any NEMSA shop. Paid staff train and support shop stewards. Nobody does anything alone. NEMSA is designed as a collective and relies on the support of everyone to be successful. Based on the superior representation NEMSA members receive and the top - notch contracts NEMSA negotiates for it's members, it is clear that NEMSA's structure breeds success.
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