A Blog Dedicated To The EMS Professionals Serving Greater Hartford

Here is a blog where you can comment and communicate with each other and NEMSA.  Check Back Frequently To See What Everyone Is Talking About!

Friday, June 27, 2008

VICTORY!!!!! Congratulations NEMSA Hartford EMS Pros!

Congratulations Greater Hartford EMS Professionals!  You have clearly spoken and you are the winners!  Your workforce voted NEMSA today as your labor representative.  The vote was 86 NEMSA, 76 SEIU 1199.  

Now is a time for healing after a long and bruising union battle.  EMS Professionals around the USA are celebrating and NEMSA staff is ready to hit the ground running.  But for everyone in Greater Hartford, it is time to come together and remember that even long before NEMSA vs. SEIU 1199, your workforce was strong and unified...  a change in representation does not change your unity.

Thank You to everyone who voted, be it for or against NEMSA. Your participation matters! With the results decided, NEMSA awaits the official certification from the National Labor Relations Board.  At that point, NEMSA will be your official bargaining representative.

NEMSA is working hard for you and coming in the next two weeks will be busy preparing for bargaining, re-organizing your workplace into a NEMSA shop, providing professional shop steward training, etc...

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!  Congratulations...

-as for this blog, it will remain active until certification of your unit by the NLRB. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

COLA and Paysteps... Two Raises Per Year!

NEMSA contracts reward seniority through a two raise system.  Seniority based pay steps allow members to make more money based on their years of service.  This is on top of overall raises in a contract... it also puts the power of compound math at work to benefit anyone covered under a NEMSA contract.

For Example:  A NEMSA Contract will have a cost of living increase (COLA) that effects everybody within a bargaining unit.  For this example, let's say the COLA is 6%.  This COLA raise happens once or more per year depending on contract terms.

However in NEMSA contracts, another raise is given on a person's anniversary date (based on date of hire).  These are "step" increases and are seniority based.  An employee steps through the pay scales gaining pay with each step.  For this example let's say that the pay scale in question has 4% increases between each step.

This gives a person 2 raises per year, for a total of 10% in one year.  But that is not all.  The power of compound math is at work here and it increases the raises as well.  We will use $10,000 for this example...

$10,000 with a 6% increase = $10,600.  $106 with a 4% increase is $11,024.  You have only gotten a 10% raise in one year but using compound math in this example, you have earned an extra $1024.  Two raises per year, your Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) and your seniority based step increase.

So now it's time for a real world example...

The NEMSA Northern California Agreement calls for a 4% COLA to be given in year one of the contract.  A person makes $50,000 per year before ratification of the contract.  In year two they receive 4.5% COLA and year 3 they receive 4% COLA.  They are on a scale with a step increase of 5%.  

Before Contract Ratification:  $50,000 per year
COLA On Contract Ratification:  $52,000 per year - $50K with 4% added
On Seniority Step Increase:  $54,600 per year - $52k with 5% added
Contract Year 2 COLA:  $57,057 - $54,600 with 4.5% added
Seniority Step Increase:  $59,909.85 - $57,057 with 5% added
Contract year 3 COLA:  $62,306.24 -  $59,909.85 with 4% added
Seniority Step Increase:  $65,421.55 - $62,306.24 with 5% added

Total Increase over 3 years:  $15,421.55 with an average 9% per year increase.  

Total Increase over 3 years without pay steps:  $6,513.60 - 50K with a 4%, 4.5%, and 4% increase.  Wow... paysteps make the difference...

So you can see the power of compound math and how paysteps work.  You earn more as a seniority bonus for every hour you work every day.  You earn more over the life of the contract.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Announcement of Contract Ratification: Northern California

Announcing The Ratification of the Northern California Contract.  NEMSA Northern California members overwhelmingly ratified the tentative agreement between NEMSA and AMR.

The contract is a 3 year contract with an average 28%-36% pay increase over the life of the agreement.  Health care premiums are fixed at a 90/10 split and FSA debit cards paid by AMR given to employees in the amount of $1000 in year 1, $750 in years 2 and 3.  Night differentials and FTO differentials are included in the contract as well as a monthly uniform cleaning allowance.

Details and the contract itself can be found at www.NEMSAUSA.org.

This is another NEMSA success story.  100% EMS representation, The Best Contracts In The USA!  

Thursday, June 19, 2008

NEMSA Tentative Agreement Announcement

NEMSA is proud to announce a tentative agreement between NEMSA and Oak Valley Hospital District.  EMS Professionals at Oak Valley are going to be voting on the tentative agreement in about a week.

The details of the tentative agreement are as follows:

Wages are set to increase 20% across the board over the life of the agreement.  This is in addition to a 5% average between pay steps.  The total increase including paysteps on a 7 paystep scale works out to 20% to 42%.  The average EMT or Paramedic will get a 9% increase per year!

A Pension plan is included in the contract with a 15% employer contribution.

Health care costs are fixed throughout the life of the agreement with employees paying NOTHING in the first year.  In the second through fourth year of the contract, health premiums are fixed per paycheck at $16.15, with dental costing $6.92 and vision costing $3.69.  

There is a 10% differential for anyone opting out of health insurance.

PTO is earned based on all hours worked, used, and taken... including while on PTO.

There are many other parts of this TA that make it special, and too many details to go into here... soon the tentative agreement will be available online at www.NEMSAUSA.org.

NEMSA negotiates the best contracts in the USA because we are 100% EMS.  We understand how to maximize benefits and extract the most from employers.  Our EMS only focus is successful and the Oak Valley Tentative Agreement is yet another example.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A New Tone....

At NEMSA, we are shocked and saddened by the negative tone that the  campaign took leading up to the first election.  Now that a runoff has been called, we have looked at things in a new light...

The union campaign between SEIU 1199 and NEMSA got ugly and at times very personal.  We can see how this could cause many people to throw up their hands and vote "no union."  So our commitment to you from now until the runoff election is to maintain a positive tone while pointing out factual information and differences between NEMSA and 1199.

The runoff election date has yet to be selected.  The NLRB is waiting out the legally required challenge period before setting a runoff date.  We expect the runoff election date to occur towards the end of the month.

So until then, we hope that you will join us as we discuss why NEMSA is different and what NEMSA can do for you...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Runoff....

The vote happened and because the vote was split between 3 parties (NEMSA, SEIU, and No Union) a runoff election has been called by the NLRB...

This means that at an unknown date and time (soon, likely within 1-2 weeks) their will be a runoff election with only NEMSA and SEIU on the ballot...

At NEMSA, we believe we have a proven track record of success and independent observers say that NEMSA has the best EMS contracts in the country.   With NEMSA,  we offer superior aggressive representation of EMS Professionals.  With NEMSA, we offer EMS Professionals the attention and respect that they deserve...

We will spend between now and the runoff election date (will be decided by NLRB in next few days) proving that to you.

Stay tuned....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

1199 last final acts of desperation

In a National Labor Relations Board pre-election conference today attended by NEMSA, 1199, and AMR; SEIU 1199 made it clear their intent to punish your workforce for choosing NEMSA.  

At the conference, when the issue of vote challenges was brought up 1199 made their position clear... they want people who do not work for AMR's votes to count, for them....  they also want people hired after the date certified for eligibility for voting by the US government...  

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that 1199 sees the writing on the wall and wants to punish you for choosing NEMSA... they will delay and obfuscate as much as possible....

That's how much 1199 appreciates you....  How much they respect you...

Voting time is here...  get out from SEIU oppression... vote NEMSA!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Campaign Fatigue...

It's called the "Dog Days" of a campaign.  Exhausted, candidates rally trying to catch every undecided voter and respond to opponents...

At NEMSA, we don't feel campaign fatigue.. rather we feel excitement.  EMS Professionals around the USA are supporting you Greater Hartford...  We are excited at the opportunity to represent you.

All that is left is to vote....  And that happens on Friday....

For anyone undecided who is reading this, rather than talking in campaign mode, here are just a few simple questions...

  • Who understands EMS workers better, 1199 or NEMSA?
  • Who has had more success with AMR at the negotiating table, 1199 or NEMSA?
  • Who has the best EMS contracts in the USA, 1199 or NEMSA
Voting on Friday.....  See you there!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1199: Afraid To Debate NEMSA!

The debate has been talked about for weeks.  NEMSA rented the hall and sent SEIU 1199 a certified mail official debate challenge...  NEMSA wanted a debate, to allow undecided voters to hear both sides of the story...  

First 1199 claimed that they hadn't received the challenge... then they claimed that they received it late at night...  Then they just declined to debate NEMSA...

Funny thing... if you go to www.NEMSAHARTFORD.com you will find the information including the USPS tracking number.  1199 received the debate challenge on 6/9/08 at 11:11 am.  They signed for it.  They thought about it...  They ran away.

They are afraid to debate NEMSA.  We have nothing to hide.. We wanted undecided voters to have one last chance to hear both sides, under clear and fair rules...  with a neutral moderator.

What does 1199 have to hide?  Do they not have a record to stand on?  Can't they give clear reasons why people should vote for them?

So how about it 1199, you still have time.  How about a debate?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why Settle For Second Best?

We have heard a few people ask why they should vote for NEMSA. They claim that 1199 hasn't done that bad of a job...

Good. We at NEMSA are glad that 1199 has done "OK" for some people...  

Because looking at their size, you sure don't get much of their attention... In fact, they don't even list EMS Providers on their website.   But you sure give them your cash in the form of outrageous dues.

But here is a simple question.... Can 1199 claim they won the race when they come in second, third, fourth, etc....?

NEMSA has the best EMS contracts in the country... We have come in first place in almost every race... Our contracts have things seldom found anywhere else in the USA... fair wage increases, pay steps, retro pay, protective healthcare language, high 401K employer matches, and more workplace protections than any other private EMS contract in the USA!

1199 doesn't have the experience NEMSA has in negotiating with AMR. 1199 doesn't have the contracts and history of wins that NEMSA has... 1199 for their size and resources are simply either ill equipped to negotiate with AMR or just unwilling to put in the time, research, and effort necessary to get top notch contracts.

So for those who are considering voting for 1199, NEMSA has just one question for you: Why settle for second best?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SEIU 1199 Throwing Mud!

It's an unfortunate part of human behavior... when losing a campaign, the losing side becomes desperate and begins "throwing mud."  Commonly seen in political campaigns, the mud throwing is designed so that some criticism, any criticism may "stick" to the wall.  However not knowing what will "stick", 1199 simply is throwing everything at the wall...

Mud:   NEMSA in Portland Oregon

An 18 page mailer was sent out by an individual who mysteriously gained access to the 1199 confidential mailing list about NEMSA in Oregon.  Filled full of hyperbole and half-truths, it was designed to make you think NEMSA abandoned EMS workers in Oregon.

Truth:  EMS workers in Portland/Vancouver wanted to be Teamsters.  Delegates in Portland were claiming loyalty to NEMSA while at the same time actively signature gathering to get Teamster representation.  When these delegates and workers had enough signatures,  NEMSA simply did not contest the coming Teamster campaign and instead disclaimed interest in their bargaining unit.  

Mud:  Disclaiming is rare and a sign of weakness

Disclaiming is a legal process under the NLRB that is designed when a workforce and a union wish to part ways.  Disclaiming is legal and happens more commonly than you may think.  It is an administrative procedure that seldom makes the headlines.

Truth:  SEIU disclaimed a bargaining unit in San Diego when NEMSA had gathered more than enough signatures to run a campaign against them.  SEIU and NEMSA both have used the same administrative procedure along with many other unions.
Mud:  NEMSA is structured so everyday people are forced to make decisions without training.

The structure of a union is important as it is one of the primary reasons for it's effectiveness.  Unions with poor structure are generally not successful.

Truth:  NEMSA is designed with a structure that EMPOWERS EMS workers.  Paid staff and labor attorneys support trained shop stewards.  Shop stewards also known as delegates and are the eyes and ears of any NEMSA shop.  Paid staff train and support shop stewards.  Nobody does anything alone.  NEMSA is designed as a collective and relies on the support of everyone to be successful.   Based on the superior representation NEMSA members receive and the top - notch contracts NEMSA negotiates for it's members, it is clear that NEMSA's structure breeds success.