A Blog Dedicated To The EMS Professionals Serving Greater Hartford

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why Settle For Second Best?

We have heard a few people ask why they should vote for NEMSA. They claim that 1199 hasn't done that bad of a job...

Good. We at NEMSA are glad that 1199 has done "OK" for some people...  

Because looking at their size, you sure don't get much of their attention... In fact, they don't even list EMS Providers on their website.   But you sure give them your cash in the form of outrageous dues.

But here is a simple question.... Can 1199 claim they won the race when they come in second, third, fourth, etc....?

NEMSA has the best EMS contracts in the country... We have come in first place in almost every race... Our contracts have things seldom found anywhere else in the USA... fair wage increases, pay steps, retro pay, protective healthcare language, high 401K employer matches, and more workplace protections than any other private EMS contract in the USA!

1199 doesn't have the experience NEMSA has in negotiating with AMR. 1199 doesn't have the contracts and history of wins that NEMSA has... 1199 for their size and resources are simply either ill equipped to negotiate with AMR or just unwilling to put in the time, research, and effort necessary to get top notch contracts.

So for those who are considering voting for 1199, NEMSA has just one question for you: Why settle for second best?

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